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    發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2011-10-06  點(diǎn)擊次數(shù): 1302次

    人生長(zhǎng)激素(GH)單抗,鼠抗人人生長(zhǎng)激素抗體說(shuō)明書(shū)Mouse Anti-GH

    Catalog Number :HZ98281 Quantity size : 0.1ml (dilute with pH 7.4 0.01 M PBS or antibody diluent )

    Background: Pituitary growth hormone (GH, also designated somatotropin) plays a crucial role in stimulating and controlling the growth, metabolism and differentiation

    of many mammalian cell types by modulating the synthesis of multiple mRNA species. These effects are mediated by the binding of GH to its membranebound receptor, GHR, and involve a phosphorylation cascade that results in the modulation of numerous signaling pathways. GH is secreted in a pulsatile pattern which is tightly controlled by the interplay of GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SRIF). GHRH and SRIF are the primary hypothalamic factors that determine GH secretion from the somatotroph and regulate GH synthesis and secretory reserve. GH output is also highly sensitive to feedback control by GH itself, as well as by insulin-like growth factor I. GH is synthesized by acidophilic or somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland. Human growth hormone contains 191 amino acid residues with two disulfide


    pecificity :

    – GH is a mouse monoclonal antibody specific for an epitope mapping between amino acids 40-75 near the N-terminus of GH of human origin.

    – specific for GH of human

    – use for western blotting,elisa,immunoprecipitation and immunohistochemistry

    – Protein G affinity chromatography purification, purity :>95%

    – Isotype: IgG

    – mol wt: 20 kDa

    Application :

    – Western blotting 1:100-500

    – Immunohistochemistry 1:100-500

    – ELISA 1:500-1000

    – Optimal working dilutions must be determined by the end user.

    Storage: Store at -20℃ for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. The lyophilized antibody is stable at room temperature for at least one month and for greater than a year when kept at -20℃. When reconstituted in sterile pH 7.4 0.01M PBS or diluent of antibody, the antibody is stable for at least six weeks at 2-4 ℃

    Important Note: This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic

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