


您當前的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > ELISA試劑盒 > 人ELISA檢測試劑盒 > 人腺苷脫氨酶(ADA)ELISA試劑盒


人腺苷脫氨酶(ADA)ELISA試劑盒、英文名稱: IL-2R ELISA Kit ,規(guī)格: 96T/48T ,英文縮寫: IL-2R ,產(chǎn)品別名 人白介素2受體(IL-2R)酶聯(lián)免疫試劑盒, 人白介素2受體(IL-2R)酶聯(lián)免疫分析試劑盒, 人白介素2受體(IL-2R)ELISA檢測試劑盒


孵育時間 3h
樣品 血清、血漿、細胞培養(yǎng)上清液等樣品形式
所需樣本體積 50-100UL
檢測波長 人腺苷脫氨酶(ADA)ELISA試劑盒450nm
精密度 批內(nèi)精密度(內(nèi)檢測精度):CV%<8%
用途 僅用于科研,不用于診斷

MIGF/CXCL9(Human monocyte interferon gamma inducing factor) ELISA Kit 人γ干擾素誘導單核細胞因子Y68344 48T
ITAC/CXCL11(Human Interferon inducible T-cell Chemoattractant) ELISA Kit 人干擾素誘導T細胞趨化因子Y68345 48T
CDl4(Human cluster Of differentiation) ELISA Kit 人CD14分子Y68346 48T
AIF(Human apoptosis inducing factor) ELISA Kit 人凋亡誘導因子Y68347 48T
LCA/CD45(Human leukocyte common antigen) ELISA Kit 人白細胞共同抗原Y68348 48T
CD4(Human cluster Of differentiation) ELISA Kit 人CD4分子Y68349 48T
P-cad(Human Placenta Cadherin) ELISA Kit 人P鈣黏蛋白/胎盤鈣黏蛋白Y68350 48T
KGF(Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit 人角化細胞生長因子Y68351 48T
PDGF-BB(Human Plaet-Derived Growth Factor-BB) ELISA kit 人血小板衍生生長因子BBY68352 48T
CXCL16(Human CXC-chemokine ligand 16) ELISA Kit 人CXC趨化因子配體16Y68353 48T
CXCR3(Human CXC-chemokine receptor 3) ELISA Kit 人CXC趨化因子受體3Y68354 48T
IFI16/p16(Human interferon-inducible protein 16) ELISA Kit 人γ干擾素誘導蛋白16/p16Y68355 48T
SDF-1a/CXCL12(Human Stromal cell derived factor 1a) ELISA Kit 人基質(zhì)細胞衍生因子1aY68356 48T
Lptn/LTN/XCL1(Human lymphotactin) ELISA Kit 人淋巴細胞趨化因子Y68357 48T
IFN- Alpha(Human Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit 人α干擾素Y68358 48T
B7-2/sCD86(Human soluble Cluster of differentiation 86) ELISA Kit 人可溶性CD86Y68359 48T
IL-27(human Interleukin 27) ELISA Kit 人白介素27Y68360 48T
IL-28(human Interleukin 28) ELISA Kit 人白介素28Y68361 96T
IL-29(human Interleukin 29) ELISA Kit 人白介素29Y68362 96T
IL-23(Human Interleukin 23) ELISA Kit 人白介素23Y68363 48T
MIF(Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit 人巨噬細胞移動抑制因子Y68364 48T
TFPIHuman Tissue factor pathway inhibitor ELISA Kit 人組織因子途徑抑制物Y68365 48T
IP-10/CXCL10(Human interferon-inducible protein 10) ELISA Kit 人干擾素誘導蛋白10Y68366 48T
IL-1(Human Interleukin 1) ELISA Kit 人白介素1Y68367 48T
IL-17(Human Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit 人白介素17Y68368 48T
IL-1 Beta(Human Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit 人白介素1βY68369 48T
EGF(Human Epidermal growth factor) ELISA Kit 人表皮生長因子Y68370 48T
bFGF(Human basic fibroblast growth factor) ELISA Kit 人堿性成纖維細胞生長因子Y68371 48T
MIP-5(Human macrophage inflammatory protein 5) ELISA Kit 人巨噬細胞炎性蛋白5Y68372 48T
sE-selectin(Human soluble E-selectin) ELISA Kit 人可溶性E選擇素Y68373 48T
sICAM-1(Human Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1) ELISA Kit 人可溶性細胞間粘附分子1Y68374 48T
ICAM-2/CD102(Human intercellular adhesion molecule 2) ELISA Kit 人細胞間粘附分子2Y68375 48T
ICAM-3/CD50(Human intercellular adhesion molecule 3) ELISA Kit 人細胞間粘附分子3Y68376 48T
CTGF(Human connective tissue growth factor) ELISA Kit 人結(jié)締組織生長因子Y68377 48T
IL-18(Human Interleukin 18) ELISA KIT 人白介素18Y68378 48T
MEC/CCL28(Human mucosae associated epithelia chemokine) ELISA Kit 人粘膜相關(guān)上皮趨化因子Y68379 48T
BAFF-R(Human B cell activation factorr from the tumor necrosis factor family receptor) ELISA Kit 人B細胞活化因子受體Y68380 48T
VEGFR-3/Flt-4(Human Vascuoar endothelial cell growth factor receptor 2) ELISA kit 人血管內(nèi)皮細胞生長因子受體3Y68381 48T
VEGFR-1/Flt1(Human Vascuoar endothelial cell growth factor receptor 1) ELISA kit 人血管內(nèi)皮細胞生長因子受體1Y68382 48T
VEGF-D(Human Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor D) ELISA KIT 人血管內(nèi)皮細胞生長因子DY68383 48T
VEGF-C(Human Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor C) ELISA KIT 人血管內(nèi)皮細胞生長因子CY68384 48T
VEGF-B(Human Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor B) ELISA KIT 人血管內(nèi)皮細胞生長因子BY68385 48T
VEGF(Human Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor) ELISA KIT 人血管內(nèi)皮細胞生長因子Y68386 48T
VCAM-1/CD106(Human Vascuolar cell adhesion molecule 1) ELISA kit 人血管內(nèi)皮細胞粘附分子1Y68387 48T
sTRAIL(Human soluble tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand) ELISA KIT 人可溶性腫瘤壞死因子相關(guān)凋亡誘導配體Y68388 48T
TRAIL-R4(Human tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand 4) ELISA Kit 人腫瘤壞死因子相關(guān)凋亡誘導配體4Y68389 48T
TRAIL-R3(Human tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand 3) ELISA Kit 人腫瘤壞死因子相關(guān)凋亡誘導配體3Y68390 48T
TRAIL-R1(Human tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand 1) ELISA Kit 人腫瘤壞死因子相關(guān)凋亡誘導配體1Y68391 48T
TNF- Beta(Human Tumor necrosis factor Beta) ELISA KIT 人腫瘤壞死因子βY68392 48T
TNF- Alpha(Human Tumor necrosis factor Alpha) ELISA KIT 人腫瘤壞死因子αY68393 48T


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